In those exercises you need to determine the structure of the unknown product.

The molecular formula is given as well as NMR 1H, 13C coupled and 13C decoupled.


For the NMR 1H spectrum you are able to define the zone that should be integrated by pressing the 'ALT' key and then one click 'from' and one click 'to'. The relative integration will be displayed under the annotation.


Based on the molecular formula you can determine the amount of protons there are at the level of each signal.


In CDCl3, water is around 1.5ppm and CHCl3 at 7.27 for 1H NMR. For 13C we observe 3 peaks at 77ppm.

In DMSO-d6, water is at around 3.5 and DMSO-d5 at 2.5..